Anti Infective Therapy

Antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal infusion medications treat a variety of infections that are not treatable with oral medications. Anti-infective infusion therapy help clear the infection, promote faster healing, and prevent complications. The length of treatment can be short-term or long-term depending on the type of infection and its severity.

Anti-infective Therapy

At Vital Care of Fayetteville, our clinical team provides safe and effective treatment to patients who need short-term, long-term, or complex anti-infective therapies in the home or in our infusion suite.

Patients receiving anti-infective therapies with Fayetteville Vital Care will receive comprehensive care in coordination with the physician for drug therapy optimization.

Comprehensive care includes patient education on medication, administration technique, provided supplies and equipment for therapy, coordination with physicians on lab monitoring, dose adjustments, and frequent patient assessment throughout the duration of therapy.

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Vital Care Therapy Services...


Anti-Infective Therapy


Immunoglobulin Therapy


Hydration Therapy


Hemophilia Therapy


Nutrition Support


Cardiac Services


Specialty Infusion Therapies